We use these files and technologies for a variety of reason. In general, they are necessary to ensure that our website and services work as we intend them to. They may also serve to provide additional functionality. To go into further detail:
Some cookies and beacons are essential or strictly necessary. These allow you to navigate a website, access gated areas and do things like view order details. If these cookies are not used, those services are no longer available. These cookies are not the kind that gather identifying information about you. These cookies must be accepted in order to use or/and navigate our website. These are not used for marketing purposes. If you block these cookies we cannot guarantee that our pages will load correctly if at all, and we cannot guarantee any security.
Performance cookies also do not collect any identifying data. Instead, they are used to collect usage information about your visit, and whether or not you encounter any errors. They are used to help us improve the functionality of our website. They also help us to understand how our users navigate our website and use the functions we offer. We collect anonymous data via these cookies. Using our site or engaging with us online in anyway requires that you accept these cookies. Failure to do so can result in poor performance, errors, and loss of security protections.
First And Third Party Advertising Cookies: We use these cookies to deliver content, advertisements, and product-related information that are relevant to your interests. This may result in advertisements being visible on our site or on other websites. This technology allows us to show you offers that are relevant to you as well as other content. It also allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising efforts.
We may hire the services of 3rd parties to offer content, tools, or other functionality. These authorized parties may also place cookies, beacons, and related technologies on your devices. These are 3rd party cookies. These cookies may collect data about your device and IP address.
You may block cookies and other similar technology by turning the block cookies feature on in your browser. For more information on how to manage/block cookies, please check these links:
Just remember that using browser settings to block all cookies can have unexpected results. Websites, including RewardedEssays.com may not function as designed. If you delete but do not block cookies, new cookies will simply be reinstalled when you visit websites again.
Refer to your specific browser for more information on handling cookies.
In the event that you wish to withdraw the consent that you explicitly gave regarding cookies and other technologies, you will need to manually delete and block installed cookies.